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Sermons by Sean Cordell

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January 26, 2025

The Abiding Life is a Life of Love

Speaker: Sean Cordell Passage: John 15

January 19, 2025


Speaker: Sean Cordell Passage: Ephesians 1:22– 2:22

January 12, 2025

Prayer: Making Your Home with God

Speaker: Sean Cordell Passage: Psalm 80:1–3

December 15, 2024

The Only Way We Can Obey is to Embrace the One and Only Son

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 21:28–46

November 24, 2024

What Jesus Wants for Us

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 20:20–34

November 10, 2024

Rich Toward God

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 19:13–30

November 3, 2024

Marriage, Divorce and Jesus

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 19:1–13

October 20, 2024


Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 18:1–14

October 6, 2024


Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 17:1–13

September 22, 2024

Jesus Will Build Us, His Church

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 16:1–20

September 15, 2024

Look to Jesus and Be Satisfied

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 15:21–39

August 18, 2024

Jesus is the Treasure

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 13:44–58

August 11, 2024

The Abundance of a Seed-Like Life

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 13:24–43

July 21, 2024

Look At Jesus

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 12:15–37

July 7, 2024

Rest in Jesus: A Look at the Sabbath

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 12:1–14

June 16, 2024

Longing, Unmet Expectations, and Trusting our Good God

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 11:1–19

June 9, 2024

Distinct from the World for Christ and His World

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 10:34–42

May 12, 2024

Coming to Jesus is Healing

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 9:14–31

May 5, 2024

See Jesus and Be Transformed

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 9:1–13

April 28, 2024

Be With Me, Follow Me

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 8:18–34

April 14, 2024

Hear, Trust, Do

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 7:15–29

March 31, 2024

He Is Risen

Speaker: Sean Cordell Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:1–4

March 10, 2024

"Pray Like This" Fellowship with the Father

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 6:5–15

March 3, 2024

Jesus is the Reward

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 6:1–18

February 11, 2024

Your Kingdom Come

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 5:1–16

January 21, 2024

A Same-Minded Church

Speaker: Sean Cordell Passage: Philippians 4:1–9

January 14, 2024

A Praying Church

Speaker: Sean Cordell Passage: Psalm 25

December 17, 2023

Loved to Love

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Pentateuch

November 26, 2023

I Want To Be With You

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Pentateuch

November 19, 2023

I Want to Be in Your Presence

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Pentateuch

November 5, 2023

The Beauty of God's Name

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Pentateuch Passage: Exodus 5–15

October 22, 2023

Trusting God in the Face of Suffering: The Story of Joseph

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Pentateuch Passage: Genesis 35–50

October 8, 2023

Embracing our Purposeful, Promising, Providing Father

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Pentateuch Passage: Genesis 22

September 17, 2023

The Goodness of God as Love

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Pentateuch Passage: Genesis 3:1– 4:1

August 27, 2023

Abide in My Love

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: In His Presence is Fullness of Joy Passage: John 15:1–11

May 21, 2023

Our Only Hope is Grace

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Titus: Transforming Grace Passage: Titus 2:11–15

May 14, 2023

Christ-Supplied Contrasting Conduct

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Titus: Transforming Grace Passage: Titus 2:1–10

April 30, 2023

Pastors: Leading by Grace

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Titus: Transforming Grace Passage: Titus 1:5–9

March 12, 2023

What Do We Gain from Money?

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Ecclesiastes: What Do We Gain? Passage: Ecclesiastes 5:10–20

February 19, 2023

What Do We Gain from Pleasure?

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Ecclesiastes: What Do We Gain? Passage: Ecclesiastes 2:1–11

February 12, 2023

What Do We Gain from Wisdom over Folly?

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Ecclesiastes: What Do We Gain? Passage: Ecclesiastes 2:12–17

January 22, 2023

How Does Jesus See the Church?

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Rest in Jesus: TCC Vision 2023 Passage: Ephesians 5:25–27

January 8, 2023

Resting in Jesus through the Word and Prayer

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Rest in Jesus: TCC Vision 2023 Passage: Psalm 138:1–8

December 11, 2022

Strengthening One Another

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: For the Love of God: A Study of Romans Passage: Romans 16:1–16

November 20, 2022

Oh God, Help Us Trust You

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: For the Love of God: A Study of Romans Passage: Romans 15:13

November 13, 2022

God's People: A Welcoming Community

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: For the Love of God: A Study of Romans Passage: Romans 15:5–7

October 30, 2022

Freed to Love

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: For the Love of God: A Study of Romans Passage: Romans 14:13–23

September 25, 2022

A Praying, Confessing, Forgiving Family

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Church as Family Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Matthew 6:9–15

September 4, 2022

Gospel Culture

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: For the Love of God: A Study of Romans Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Romans 12:12–15

August 21, 2022

Gospel Culture

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: For the Love of God: A Study of Romans Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Romans 12:3–10

August 7, 2022

Trust is the Point

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Treasuring Christ in Decision-Making Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Isaiah 26:3

June 5, 2022

Included By Grace

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: For the Love of God: A Study of Romans Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Romans 11:13–24

April 24, 2022

Jesus is the Goal

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: For the Love of God: A Study of Romans Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Romans 10:4–10

February 20, 2022

God Is For Us

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: For the Love of God: A Study of Romans Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Romans 8:31–32

February 6, 2022

How the Church Displays the Love of Jesus

Speaker: Sean Cordell Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Luke 10:25–42

January 23, 2022

Gathering to Treasure Christ Together

Speaker: Sean Cordell Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Ephesians 2:19–22

January 9, 2022

Finding Rest in Jesus through the Window of the Word

Speaker: Sean Cordell Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Matthew 11:28–29

November 21, 2021

No Condemnation in Jesus

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: For the Love of God: A Study of Romans Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Romans 8:1–4

November 7, 2021

Faithful in Very Little

Speaker: Sean Cordell Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Luke 19:11–27

October 10, 2021

The Beauty of the Church

Speaker: Sean Cordell Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Ephesians 2:11–22

September 5, 2021

The Power of a New Life

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: For the Love of God: A Study of Romans Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Romans 6:1–11

August 22, 2021

How Do We Know He Loves Us?

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: For the Love of God: A Study of Romans Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Romans 5:6–11

August 8, 2021

From Faith to Grace to Hope

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: For the Love of God: A Study of Romans Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Romans 4:13–25

June 27, 2021

Why Does It Matter?

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: For the Love of God: A Study of Romans Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Romans 3:1–9

May 30, 2021

Worship, Sex, and True Love

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: For the Love of God: A Study of Romans Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Romans 1:24–27

May 9, 2021

Romans 1:8-15

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: For the Love of God: A Study of Romans Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Romans 1:8–15

May 2, 2021

For the Love of God

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: For the Love of God: A Study of Romans Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Romans 1:1–7

April 18, 2021

Rejoicing and Resting in Christ Together

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Nehemiah: New Beginnings Together Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Nehemiah 11:1– 13:31

April 11, 2021

Obeying Together

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Nehemiah: New Beginnings Together Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Nehemiah 10:1–39

April 4, 2021

Responding to the Resurrection

Speaker: Sean Cordell Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Acts 17:1–34

March 14, 2021

Leading and Following Together

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Nehemiah: New Beginnings Together Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Nehemiah 6:1– 7:73

February 28, 2021

Building Up Together

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Nehemiah: New Beginnings Together Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Nehemiah 2:1– 3:32

February 21, 2021

New Beginnings Together

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Nehemiah: New Beginnings Together Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Nehemiah 1:1–11

February 7, 2021

God Make Us a Community of Grace

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: The Beauties of Jesus Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Galatians 2:14–21

December 13, 2020

The Glory of God in His Care for the World

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Praying the Psalms Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Psalm 66:1–20

November 29, 2020

Lessons on Thankfulness from the Cave

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Praying the Psalms Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Psalm 57:1–11

November 8, 2020

Unity is Not Uniformity

Speaker: Sean Cordell Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Romans 15:5–7

November 1, 2020

Who Will Be on the Throne?

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Psalms for the Soul Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Psalm 47:1–9

October 25, 2020

Treasuring Christ Above All

Speaker: Sean Cordell Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Psalm 46:1–11

October 4, 2020

Following the Shepherd

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: A Living Hope in a Dying World Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: 1 Peter 5:1–7

September 20, 2020

Displaying the Heart of Christ

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: A Living Hope in a Dying World Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: 1 Peter 4:7–11

August 23, 2020

Our Homes Matter to God

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: A Living Hope in a Dying World Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: 1 Peter 3:1–7

August 16, 2020

Rejoice that You are Christ's

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: A Living Hope in a Dying World Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: 1 Peter 1:1–2

August 9, 2020

Finish Strong

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Remember the Gospel: A Study of 2 Timothy Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: 2 Timothy 4:1–22

July 5, 2020

Saved to Exalt Jesus

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Exodus: Our Response to the Intentional Love of God Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Exodus 17:1– 18:27

June 14, 2020

Ready to Follow

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Exodus: Our Response to the Intentional Love of God Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Exodus 12:1– 13:1

May 17, 2020

Togetherness Amidst Covid-19

Speaker: Sean Cordell Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Romans 14:1– 15:7

March 1, 2020

Longing for Jesus

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: A Living Hope in a Dying World Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: 1 Peter 2:1–12

February 16, 2020

Living Hope in a Dying World

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: A Living Hope in a Dying World Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: 1 Peter 1:1–12

February 9, 2020

United by Love

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Prayer Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: John 17:20–26

January 12, 2020

Father, Glorify Your Son Through Me

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Prayer Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: John 17:1–2

December 8, 2019

ADVENT: Reaching the Nations for Christ

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Advent Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Romans 15:18–20

November 24, 2019


Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Esther: God as Rescuer Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Esther 9–10

November 10, 2019

For Your Good

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Esther: God as Rescuer Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Esther 7

November 3, 2019

God's Story Is No Coincidence

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Esther: God as Rescuer Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Esther 5:1–14

October 6, 2019

The Fingerprints of God

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Esther: God as Rescuer Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Esther 2:1–23

September 15, 2019

God’s Word for Our Joy

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: We Can Trust the Bible Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: John 15:8–11

September 8, 2019

We Can Trust the Bible

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: We Can Trust the Bible Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Psalm 19:7–14

August 11, 2019

Praying with Faith in Despair

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Psalms for the Soul Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Psalm 77:1–20

August 4, 2019

Keep Walking in the Love of Christ

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: What if God was our God? Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Ephesians 6:18–24

July 28, 2019

Waging War in Hope

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: What if God was our God? Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Ephesians 6:10–18

July 7, 2019

Spirit-Filled Family

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: What if God was our God? Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Ephesians 6:1–4

June 30, 2019

Spirit-Filled Marriage

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: What if God was our God? Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Ephesians 5:22–33

May 26, 2019


Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: What if God was our God? Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Ephesians 4:4

May 12, 2019

Gifted for Growth

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: What if God was our God? Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Ephesians 4:7–16

April 28, 2019

To Know the Love of Christ

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: What if God was our God? Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Ephesians 3:14–21

April 21, 2019

Jesus is a Big Deal. He's Alive.

Speaker: Sean Cordell Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: 1 Peter 1:3–7

April 14, 2019

The Multi-Faceted Wisdom of God

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: What if God was our God? Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Ephesians 3:1–13

March 31, 2019

Peace and One New Humanity

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: What if God was our God? Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Ephesians 2:11–22

March 10, 2019

That You May Know

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: What if God was our God? Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Ephesians 1:15–23

February 24, 2019

The Guarantee of the Spirit

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: What if God was our God? Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Ephesians 1:11–14

February 10, 2019

Love from Eternity Past

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: What if God was our God? Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Ephesians 1:4–6

February 3, 2019

To the Praise of His Glory

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: What if God was our God? Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Ephesians 1:4–6

January 27, 2019

Every Spiritual Blessing in Christ

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: What if God was our God? Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Ephesians 1:3

January 20, 2019

What if God was our God?

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: What if God was our God? Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Ephesians 1:1–3

January 13, 2019

Love Your Bibles

Speaker: Sean Cordell Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Mark 4:1–20

January 6, 2019

Reading + Praying Psalm 66

Speaker: Sean Cordell Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Psalm 66:1–20

December 16, 2018

Boast Only in the Cross

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Galatians: Free at Last Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Galatians 6:11–18

November 11, 2018

Walk by the Spirit

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Galatians: Free at Last Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Galatians 5:16–26

November 4, 2018

The Freedom to Love

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Galatians: Free at Last Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Galatians 5:1–15

October 21, 2018

Adoption: Freed into Family

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Galatians: Free at Last Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Galatians 3:24– 4:7

October 14, 2018

Freedom is through Justification by Faith Alone

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Galatians: Free at Last Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Galatians 3:15–29

September 23, 2018

Justification by Faith Alone

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Galatians: Free at Last Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Galatians 2:15–21

September 16, 2018

Why Would We Gather the Sunday After a Hurricane?

Speaker: Sean Cordell Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Hebrews 10:24–25

September 9, 2018

Freed from Slavery

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Galatians: Free at Last Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Galatians 2:11–14

August 19, 2018

Freed from False Teaching

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Galatians: Free at Last Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Galatians 1:6–10

August 12, 2018

Galatians: Free at Last

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Galatians: Free at Last Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Galatians 1:1–6

August 5, 2018


Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Proverbs: Wisdom as a Way of Life Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Proverbs 10:1– 29:1

June 17, 2018

Proverbs: Wisdom as a Way of Life

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Proverbs: Wisdom as a Way of Life Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Proverbs 1:1–33

May 13, 2018

Ruth: From Tragedy to Beauty

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Ruth: From Tragedy to Beauty Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Ruth 1:1–5

April 15, 2018

Loved Ones Love

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Making Disciples Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: 1 John 4:7–19

February 4, 2018

The Authority of Jesus

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Luke: Seeing Jesus Seeking and Saving the Lost Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Luke 20:1–18

January 28, 2018

A Beautiful Savior

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Luke: Seeing Jesus Seeking and Saving the Lost Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Luke 19:28–48

January 7, 2018

Talk to Me

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Luke: Seeing Jesus Seeking and Saving the Lost Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Luke 18:1–17

December 3, 2017

Thankful for Mercy

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Luke: Seeing Jesus Seeking and Saving the Lost Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Luke 17:10–37

November 5, 2017

The Father's Lavish Love

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Luke: Seeing Jesus Seeking and Saving the Lost Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Luke 15:11–32

October 15, 2017

Eat to Love

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Luke: Seeing Jesus Seeking and Saving the Lost Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Luke 14:12–24

October 1, 2017

Always at Work

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Luke: Seeing Jesus Seeking and Saving the Lost Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Luke 13:18–35

September 17, 2017

Ready or Not

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Luke: Seeing Jesus Seeking and Saving the Lost Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Luke 12:35–59

September 10, 2017

Don't Be Anxious

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Luke: Seeing Jesus Seeking and Saving the Lost Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Luke 12:22–34

August 13, 2017

The Lord's Prayer

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Luke: Seeing Jesus Seeking and Saving the Lost Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Luke 11:1–13

July 2, 2017

Glimpse of Glory

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Luke: Seeing Jesus Seeking and Saving the Lost Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Luke 9:28–45

May 28, 2017

Sensing God's Word

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Luke: Seeing Jesus Seeking and Saving the Lost Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Luke 8:1–21

April 23, 2017

Gathering + Scattering

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Easter Sunday Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Hebrews 10:19–25

April 16, 2017

Out of Death Comes Resurrection

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Easter Sunday Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:1–17

April 2, 2017

A New Culture

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Luke: Seeing Jesus Seeking and Saving the Lost Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Luke 6:27–36

March 26, 2017

The Blessed Life

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Luke: Seeing Jesus Seeking and Saving the Lost Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Luke 6:20–26

March 12, 2017

Jesus is Lord of All

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Luke: Seeing Jesus Seeking and Saving the Lost Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Luke 5:33– 6:11

March 5, 2017


Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Luke: Seeing Jesus Seeking and Saving the Lost Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Luke 5:27–32

February 12, 2017

Authority Gives Life

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Luke: Seeing Jesus Seeking and Saving the Lost Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Luke 4:31–44

February 3, 2017

Race Seminar

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Seminar

January 15, 2017

Longings Fulfilled

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Luke: Seeing Jesus Seeking and Saving the Lost Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Luke 2:22–52

November 20, 2016

Signs of the Work of the Spirit

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Luke: Seeing Jesus Seeking and Saving the Lost Passage: Luke 1:39–56

November 13, 2016

Impossible? I Don't Think So

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Luke: Seeing Jesus Seeking and Saving the Lost Passage: Luke 1:25–38

October 23, 2016

Lord, You are My Refuge

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Rest: Quiet Souls, Quickened Hearts Passage: Psalm 31:1–24

October 2, 2016

Quiet Souls Grow Quickened Hearts

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Rest: Quiet Souls, Quickened Hearts Passage: Psalm 23:1–6

September 25, 2016

Quieting Our Souls as a Child

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Rest: Quiet Souls, Quickened Hearts Passage: Psalm 131:1–3

September 18, 2016

Finding Our Rhythms of Rest

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Rest: Quiet Souls, Quickened Hearts Passage: Matthew 11:28– 12:8

September 11, 2016

Through Repentance to Rest

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Rest: Quiet Souls, Quickened Hearts Passage: Acts 3:19–20

May 8, 2016

Forever Changed: Hannah

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Forever Changed Passage: 1 Samuel 1:1– 2:36

April 17, 2016

Forever Changed: Moses

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Forever Changed Passage: Exodus 3:1–22, Exodus 33:1– 34:35

April 3, 2016

The Overcoming Effects of the Resurrection

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Unveiled Passage: John 20:1–31

March 27, 2016

Out of Death Comes Life | John 19:16-20:9

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Unveiled Passage: John 19:16– 20:9

March 6, 2016

The Brilliance of Our Praying Savior

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Unveiled Passage: John 17:1–18

February 28, 2016

Kept By Love

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Unveiled Passage: John 16:1–33

February 14, 2016

Abiding and Bearing Through Prayer

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Unveiled Passage: John 15:1–11

February 7, 2016

The Enough-ness of the Father and the Sufficiency of the Son

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Unveiled Passage: John 14:1–14

January 17, 2016

Jesus Unveiled as the Obedient, Suffering, Loving Servant

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Unveiled Passage: John 13

January 10, 2016

Forever Changed: Mary

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Forever Changed Passage: John 11–12

December 13, 2015

Promises Made, Kept and Pursued

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Disfigured Glory Passage: Isaiah 54:1– 55:13

December 6, 2015

His Wounds are the Cure

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Disfigured Glory Passage: Isaiah 52:12–53

November 8, 2015

You Will Not Be Forgotten

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Disfigured Glory Passage: Isaiah 49:1–22

November 1, 2015

For His Glory

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Disfigured Glory Passage: Isaiah 48:1–22

October 11, 2015

Seeking God Together

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Alive Passage: Genesis 32:1–32

September 27, 2015

The Grace of Gathering

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Alive Passage: Hebrews 10:24–27

September 13, 2015

Alive: Walking in His Word

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Alive Passage: Romans 6:4–14

August 23, 2015

God is at Work

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Provider Passage: 2 Peter 3:1–13

August 2, 2015

God Provides Sight through His Word

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Provider Passage: 2 Peter 1:12–1:21

July 19, 2015


Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Provider Passage: 2 Peter 1:1–1:11

June 28, 2015

Peace for the Anxious Heart

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Philippians Passage: Philippians 4:6–4:13

June 21, 2015

God is Able to Make You Stand

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Philippians Passage: Philippians 4:1–4:7

June 7, 2015

Rejoicing in Jesus

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Philippians Passage: Philippians 3:1–3:11

May 31, 2015

True Obedience is Humble Love

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Philippians Passage: Philippians 2:12–2:30

May 10, 2015

The Depth of Beauty

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Miscellaneous Passage: 2 Timothy 1:5

May 3, 2015

To Live is Christ and To Die is Gain

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Philippians Passage: Philippians 1:18–1:26

March 29, 2015

How Could a Good God Allow Suffering?

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Solid: A Sure Word for a Shaking Faith Passage: 1 Peter 1:3–1:7

February 22, 2015


Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Jonah Passage: Jonah 1:1–4:11

February 1, 2015

Rejoicing in Rescue

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Jonah Passage: Jonah 1:17–2:10

January 25, 2015

Introduction to Jonah

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Jonah Passage: Jonah 1:1–1:17

January 18, 2015

Friendship: He Has Us Both One

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Friendship

January 11, 2015

The Importance of Friendships

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Friendship Passage: John 15:12–15:15

January 4, 2015

Pursuing Our Joy in God

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Miscellaneous Passage: John 15:1–15:11

December 14, 2014

Remember Our God, Know His Story, and Join Him In It

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Christ for the Nations Passage: Romans 15:7–15:13

November 16, 2014

Praying Your Fears

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Praying Our Hearts: A Look at the Psalms Passage: Psalm 3:1–3:8

November 2, 2014

God, His People, and Same-Sex Attraction

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Miscellaneous Passage: 1 Corinthians 6:9–6:11

October 26, 2014

Displaying Characteristics of Being Christ's Builds Confidence

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Confidence in Love Passage: 1 John 5:1–5:12

September 28, 2014

Evidences of God's Saving Work

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Confidence in Love Passage: 1 John 2:28–3:10

September 21, 2014

Confidently Alert

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Confidence in Love Passage: 1 John 2:12–2:22

September 7, 2014

God is Light and In Him is No Darkness At All

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Confidence in Love Passage: 1 John 2:1–2:6

August 31, 2014

God is Light and In Him is No Darkness

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Confidence in Love Passage: 1 John 1:5–1:10

August 24, 2014

That Your Joy Might Be Full

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Confidence in Love Passage: 1 John 1:1–1:4

August 10, 2014

Family on Mission

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Community Passage: Ephesians 4:1–4:7

July 27, 2014

The Majesty of Jesus

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Behold Our Savior Passage: Revelation 5:1–5:10

July 6, 2014

It's Just the Beginning: The Church Advances

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Acts Passage: Acts 27:1–28:31

June 1, 2014

God's Desire to Shape Our Lives

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Acts Passage: Acts 20:17–20:38

May 4, 2014

What Will You Do With the Gospel?

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Acts Passage: Acts 17:1–17:34

April 27, 2014

God Guides His People Into Love

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Acts Passage: Acts 16:1–16:40

April 20, 2014

Who Are You in the Story of Jesus' Last Days?

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Miscellaneous Passage: Matthew 26:30–26:35

March 9, 2014

Growth, Grace, and Generosity In and Through Ordinary People

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Acts Passage: Acts 11:19–11:30

February 16, 2014

From Death to Life

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Acts Passage: Acts 8:26–8:40

February 9, 2014

The Joys and Pains of Growing with God

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Acts Passage: Acts 8:1–8:25

January 19, 2014

The God of Life and the Life from God

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Miscellaneous Passage: John 1:1–1:5

January 5, 2014

The Pleasure of Living for God's Pleasure

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Acts Passage: Acts 4:32–5:11