Join us this Sunday for our 10:30am service at our new location! 3700 Lake Wheeler Road. 

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Kids Treasuring Christ

Vision & Caring for Your Kids | Precepts | Ages & Classes | Parent Guide


To raise children who
treasure Christ
love all people


Vision & Caring for Your Kids

The goal of Kids Treasuring Christ is to raise children who treasure Christ and love all people. As one family, we strive towards this goal by building in our children a confidence in God and training them to serve others.

We primarily seek to do this through structured, intentional training for children during the Sunday morning worship time. While within these structures we diligently strive to provide the best environment and training for our children to grow in the Lord and develop positive relationships, we also realize that the most important teaching moments occur in the home. Thus, we make it our aim to equip parents for the incredible responsibility of training their children, as they are the primary teachers, and the home is the primary training ground. The home is to be the place where faith is on display in the every day and where worship through prayer, praise, and the Scriptures are to be foundational, much like they are in the church.

So, at TCC we will provide an environment for fostering faith in Jesus through our structured teaching times, and we will seek to empower and equip parents to raise their children in the Lord as they intentionally disciple them in the everyday and model Christian faith.

Kids Treasuring Christ Precepts 

We have five basic precepts we want our children to know and love:

Birth to Preschool

1. God made everything
2. God is in charge of everything
3. God is good.
4. Jesus came to save sinners.
5. God wants to talk with us.

K to 5th Grade

1. Wise: God knows what is best
       so we can follow his commands.
2. Generous: God gives what is best
       so we can be generous to others.
3. Loving: God does what is best
       so we can love others.
4. Forgiving: Jesus gave up what is best
       so we can forgive others.
5. Good: God is what is best
       so we can do good to others.

Ages & Classes

On Sunday mornings children up to 10 years of age are invited to attend age appropriate, Christ-centered discipleship classes during the worship service.

Parent Guide

For more detailed information related to our health policy, what to expect when registering a child with Kids Treasuring Christ, and basic guidelines, see the KTC Parent Guide.