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He Did It!!! He's Alive!

He Did It!!! He's Alive!

April 1, 2018 Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Luke: Seeing Jesus Seeking and Saving the Lost

Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Luke 24:1–35

1. He kept His Word
2. He suffered in the place of sinners
3. What is our response?
- To those who doubt Him...he shows you
- To those who are hungry...Seek Him
- To those who are sad or confused...He seeks you
- To those who are weak he draws near

More in Luke: Seeing Jesus Seeking and Saving the Lost

June 10, 2018

Ruth 4:1-22

April 8, 2018

Perfect Mission for an Imperfect People

March 25, 2018

A Perfect Death