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Sermons from 2020

Sermons from 2020

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December 27, 2020

Longing for Justice--Awaiting the King

Speaker: Josh Gallaher Series: Praying the Psalms Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Psalm 72:1–19

December 20, 2020

Pray His Praise

Speaker: Eric Stishan Series: Praying the Psalms Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Psalm 68:1–35

December 13, 2020

The Glory of God in His Care for the World

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Praying the Psalms Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Psalm 66:1–20

December 6, 2020

Praying the Psalms for All Peoples

Speaker: Travis Williams Series: Praying the Psalms Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Psalm 65:1–13

November 29, 2020

Lessons on Thankfulness from the Cave

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Praying the Psalms Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Psalm 57:1–11

November 22, 2020

A God-Fanatic in a Draining World

Speaker: Ronjour Locke Series: Praying the Psalms Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Psalm 63:1–11

November 15, 2020

Sad Songs Say So Much

Speaker: Travis Williams Series: Praying the Psalms Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Psalm 42:1– 43:5

November 8, 2020

Unity is Not Uniformity

Speaker: Sean Cordell Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Romans 15:5–7

November 1, 2020

Who Will Be on the Throne?

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Psalms for the Soul Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Psalm 47:1–9

October 25, 2020

Treasuring Christ Above All

Speaker: Sean Cordell Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Psalm 46:1–11

October 18, 2020

Too Light a Thing

Speaker: Travis Williams Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Isaiah 49:1–6

October 11, 2020

Humble, Alert, Restore & Glory

Speaker: Hunter Muse Series: A Living Hope in a Dying World Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: 1 Peter 5:6–14

October 4, 2020

Following the Shepherd

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: A Living Hope in a Dying World Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: 1 Peter 5:1–7

September 27, 2020

Suffering Well

Speaker: Eric Stishan Series: A Living Hope in a Dying World Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: 1 Peter 4:12–19

September 20, 2020

Displaying the Heart of Christ

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: A Living Hope in a Dying World Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: 1 Peter 4:7–11

September 13, 2020

The Terrible, Good Sermon

Speaker: Travis Williams Series: A Living Hope in a Dying World Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: 1 Peter 4:1–6

August 30, 2020

Bless Don’t Blast

Speaker: Ronjour Locke Series: A Living Hope in a Dying World Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: 1 Peter 3:8–17

August 23, 2020

Our Homes Matter to God

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: A Living Hope in a Dying World Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: 1 Peter 3:1–7

August 16, 2020

Rejoice that You are Christ's

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: A Living Hope in a Dying World Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: 1 Peter 1:1–2

August 9, 2020

Finish Strong

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Remember the Gospel: A Study of 2 Timothy Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: 2 Timothy 4:1–22

August 2, 2020

Good News for Dark Days

Speaker: Josh Gallaher Series: Remember the Gospel: A Study of 2 Timothy Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: 2 Timothy 3:1–17

July 26, 2020

Quarrels Ain't Worth it!

Speaker: Hunter Muse Series: Remember the Gospel: A Study of 2 Timothy Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: 2 Timothy 2:14–26

July 19, 2020

Marching Orders

Speaker: Eric Stishan Series: Remember the Gospel: A Study of 2 Timothy Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: 2 Timothy 2:1–13

July 5, 2020

Saved to Exalt Jesus

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Exodus: Our Response to the Intentional Love of God Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Exodus 17:1– 18:27

June 14, 2020

Ready to Follow

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Exodus: Our Response to the Intentional Love of God Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Exodus 12:1– 13:1

May 17, 2020

Togetherness Amidst Covid-19

Speaker: Sean Cordell Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Romans 14:1– 15:7

May 3, 2020

Exodus 3-4

Speaker: Travis Williams Series: Exodus: Our Response to the Intentional Love of God Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Exodus 3:1– 4:31

March 8, 2020

Free to Serve, Obey, and Receive Care

Speaker: Hunter Muse Series: A Living Hope in a Dying World Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: 1 Peter 2:13–25

March 1, 2020

Longing for Jesus

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: A Living Hope in a Dying World Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: 1 Peter 2:1–12

February 23, 2020

Let Your Longing Lift Your Living

Speaker: Travis Williams Series: A Living Hope in a Dying World Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: 1 Peter 1:13–25

February 16, 2020

Living Hope in a Dying World

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: A Living Hope in a Dying World Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: 1 Peter 1:1–12

February 9, 2020

United by Love

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Prayer Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: John 17:20–26

February 2, 2020

In the World, Not of It

Speaker: Travis Williams Series: Prayer Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: John 17:13–19

January 26, 2020

How Jesus Prays for His Friends

Speaker: Travis Williams Series: Prayer Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: John 17:6–12

January 12, 2020

Father, Glorify Your Son Through Me

Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Prayer Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: John 17:1–2

January 5, 2020

Pray Then Like This

Speaker: Travis Williams Series: Prayer Topic: TCC Corporate Worship Passage: Matthew 6