Sermons from James
Back to Sermon ArchiveJuly 17, 2016
James 5:13-20
Speaker: Byron Glaspy Series: Faithful: Living Out the Word in Poverty and Pain Passage: James 5:13–20
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July 10, 2016
The Lord is Coming
Series: Faithful: Living Out the Word in Poverty and Pain Passage: James 5:7–12
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July 3, 2016
The Misuse of Wealth and Power
Speaker: Byron Glaspy Series: Faithful: Living Out the Word in Poverty and Pain Passage: James 5:1–6
June 26, 2016
Not Lebron. Not Elvis. And not you.
Speaker: Travis Williams Series: Faithful: Living Out the Word in Poverty and Pain Passage: James 4:11–17
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June 12, 2016
The Double-Minded Man and the Tongue
Speaker: Byron Glaspy Series: Faithful: Living Out the Word in Poverty and Pain Passage: James 3:1–12
June 5, 2016
God Will Do Through You
Speaker: Hunter Muse Series: Faithful: Living Out the Word in Poverty and Pain Passage: James 2:14–26
May 29, 2016
Your Favoritism Flaunts Your Foolishness
Speaker: Travis Williams Series: Faithful: Living Out the Word in Poverty and Pain Passage: James 2:1–13
May 22, 2016
The Beauty of Receiving and Doing God's Gracious Word
Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Faithful: Living Out the Word in Poverty and Pain Passage: James 1:19–27
May 15, 2016
Faithful: Living Out One's Faith in Midst of Poverty and Pain
Speaker: Sean Cordell Series: Faithful: Living Out the Word in Poverty and Pain Passage: James 1:1–18
July 12, 2015
Be Doers of the Word
Speaker: Josh Kelly Series: Miscellaneous Topic: Default Passage: James 1:19–1:27